Otherwise: Rethinking Museum and Heritage (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (e-doc), 2018)
Edited by Jonas Tinius, Christine Gerbich, Larissa Förster, Sharon Macdonald, Katarzyna Puzon, Margareta von Oswald (open-access)
Short description
The essays collected together here each explore a concept that offers the potential to think and do museum and heritage practice otherwise – that is, to think and do museums and heritage differently from the ways in which they have more recently or more usually been done. This ‘otherwising’ is thoroughly anthropological. It draws from a disciplinary approach that seeks to explore diverse ways of doing and thinking – to learn from other ways of being wise – in order to rethink, re-do, and transform, what might otherwise be taken for granted or left unexamined. (Sharon Macdonald)
Sharon Macdonald, Larissa Förster (based on a panel with Ciraj Rassool, Paul Basu, and Britta Lange), Katarzyna Puzon (based on a panel with Beverley Butler, Banu Karaca, and Paola Ivanov), Jonas Tinius (based on a panel with Alya Sebti, Henrietta Lidchi, and Katharina Schramm), Margareta von Oswald (based on a panel with Clémentine Deliss and Dan Hicks), Christine Gerbich (based on a panel with Bonita Bennett, Ute Marxreiter, and Laura Peers),
The publication was based on a conference organised at the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage at the Department of European Ethnology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in July 2017: https://www.carmah.berlin/otherwise-symposium/
I presented the book and organised a workshop with the Weltmuseum and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, upon invitation by Nora Sternfeld and Luisa Ziaja, and with a response by Elke Krasny and the Master-programme ecm (educating, curating, managing) on : https://ecm.ac.at/ecm-diskurs/ecm-diskurs36
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Edited by Jonas Tinius, Christine Gerbich, Larissa Förster, Sharon Macdonald, Katarzyna Puzon, Margareta von Oswald (open-access)
Short description
The essays collected together here each explore a concept that offers the potential to think and do museum and heritage practice otherwise – that is, to think and do museums and heritage differently from the ways in which they have more recently or more usually been done. This ‘otherwising’ is thoroughly anthropological. It draws from a disciplinary approach that seeks to explore diverse ways of doing and thinking – to learn from other ways of being wise – in order to rethink, re-do, and transform, what might otherwise be taken for granted or left unexamined. (Sharon Macdonald)
Sharon Macdonald, Larissa Förster (based on a panel with Ciraj Rassool, Paul Basu, and Britta Lange), Katarzyna Puzon (based on a panel with Beverley Butler, Banu Karaca, and Paola Ivanov), Jonas Tinius (based on a panel with Alya Sebti, Henrietta Lidchi, and Katharina Schramm), Margareta von Oswald (based on a panel with Clémentine Deliss and Dan Hicks), Christine Gerbich (based on a panel with Bonita Bennett, Ute Marxreiter, and Laura Peers),
The publication was based on a conference organised at the Centre for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage at the Department of European Ethnology at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in July 2017: https://www.carmah.berlin/otherwise-symposium/
I presented the book and organised a workshop with the Weltmuseum and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna, upon invitation by Nora Sternfeld and Luisa Ziaja, and with a response by Elke Krasny and the Master-programme ecm (educating, curating, managing) on : https://ecm.ac.at/ecm-diskurs/ecm-diskurs36
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